64" Cincinnati Milacron 4.5" air cooled extruder line,


64" Cincinnati Milacron 4.5" air cooled extruder line,


64" Cincinnati Milacron 4.5" air cooled extruder line, 64" Cincinnati Milacron 4.5" air cooled extruder line, 250 HP Drive and controller, Sano 12" die/rot/ dual lip air ring, blower and poly cool, manual screen changer,.085 die gap, AEC / Hydreclaim grinder, and refeed hopper, Conair 4 component blender, Sano 64" secondary nips, Pillar 2.5 KW treater and power supply, 64" primary nips with collapsing frame, 64" Sano dual turret winder with independant spindle motors and controls , no tower Located in MN


Stock Number9999-01